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A member registered Sep 28, 2022

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Bug Report: Most of the controls stoped working as soon as I had beat the Lord's Mistress.  I could still swing my weapon with the the mouse and use the mouse to open the stats but nothing else worked including other mouse commands. I could not move, cast, swing my weapon with the keyboard button, or open the menu with esc. The only thing I could do was use the window button to get out of the game.   

This is the screen where the error occured.
Accessable Stats
I could still do a few things with the mouse but that was it.

Thanks for responding so quickly, I am pleased to know you are so quick to address issue like this. I just thought of a few things I noticed that might help you narrow it down. Good Luck

* It occurred on level 5 or 6 If I remember right. 

* I had the "Dirk?" equipped (The one with the super high attack speed). 

* My stat page still showed my movement as having a positive bonus (+4 or +5 maybe, I had gotten some movement boosts from cards and lost some movement from a destroyed top on that level). 

* I could not move at all unless I pressed the run button and even then, at only about 2-4 pixels per second. 

* Not sure if this is an error or if it's just not ready yet but the settings option on the pause menu does not seem to work.

On a semi related note is it possible to add key rebinding, I realized while trying to run that way for a bit that I really hate using the shift button to run while using wasd controls. 

(1 edit)

It appears the glitch from the severed had is not fixed. I just got the game and played the most recent version (0.13.1). but had my run end because of a Severed hand speed debuff glitch.